The Arenal Volcano

The Arenal Volcano

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A rotating skyscraper is slated to be built in Dubai. The structure, designed by Italian architect David Fisher, has floors that can each rotate independently of one another. Supposedly, the building will be powered entirely by wind and solar energy via outer solar panels and wind turbines between the floors. I'm curious to see how that works out. I'm also curious how you and your neighbors decide who gets the ocean view and when. I'm guessing it involves threats and a good amount of weapon brandishing. Condos are currently going for about $3,000 per square foot, or up words 3 to 32 million a piece.

Hit the Link below for a video including some computer animations of the building and an interview with the architect.
The most interesting thing about this building will be that it will use the wind to its advantage with wind turbines, capturing power and making the building more than self sufficient. It will even give extra power to the city grid that it doesn't use.
Now its pretty obvious that the riches of Dubai are only going to last for so long, because when their oil runs out, what will be left? Dubai also has to rely heavily on the USA to buy its crude oil, otherwise they would not be quite as rich. So, what is the plan to keep making money later? Why of course all of the crazy buildings and tourist traps that they build with the oil money now. Building a huge modern commercial touristic city in which thousands of people will come visit every year (they hope anyway) and spend lots and lots of money.
What I think the rich oil families should be doing instead with all of that money is to put it to good use, and create jobs and buy food and needs for the people of their country. They should use this opportunity to use this advantage to catch up to developed countries, and build a stronger nation with freedom and opportunity. For Example, a positive education system, better public works, a better military, stronger economic investing, seeking new ways to trade and perform industrial functions. These are ways this Nation could become a world power, not just a tourist slide show. Dubai might be rich, but they are not mature.

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