The Arenal Volcano

The Arenal Volcano

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blog 5

This HDI (Human Development Index) is a great big feeding ground of information that measures a country's many achievements in three main parts of human development. These not in any order are health, knowledge, and a standard of living or how much the average joe makes. Health is measured by how long someone lives after birth; knowledge is measured by how many of the adults can read and the max enrollment rate or all students. The website then uses this huge chunk of information to sort out countries into three categories. High, medium, and low Developed Countries. The majority of high developed countries being in the Northern Hampshire, and South America, and almost all the low developed countries are in Africa and Southern Asia. Taking a look back in time to 1980, much of the high developed countries were in the Western Hemisphere, namely North America and South America, but also Europe.

What this means is that Many counties in Asia are just coming to bloom with development and becoming more modern and educated, this also probably goes for wealth gains as well. Another interesting thing I noticed was America and China stayed the same every 5 years from 1980 to 2005. America being a high developed country and China being a medium developed country the whole 25 years. How does China remain stagnant? I think my theory is that China grows so fast in population, a good percentage cannot become schooled or literate. Many of the Chinese are farmers, and that's what they do their entire life. So, it does not surprise me that China remains where it started 25 years ago. Now Africa is probably the slowest developing Continent out there, and it doesn't come at any surprise. A great percentage of Africans did not get schooling, let alone being able to read. They will probably continue to struggle to develop along the same pace of the rest of the world.

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