The Arenal Volcano

The Arenal Volcano

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Google Earth: A differant look into Latin America

This image of Latin America is to take a look at the many shallow plateaus that come out from Florida and Mexico into the Gulf of Mexico. It seems that if all that land was raised just a couple hundred feet higher, we would have many hundreds of square miles to move to or settle in.

Mexico would almost double in size, and Florida would be a lot wider. If this were the case today, wars and political structure would be pretty different. I know that Latin America seems very crowded, but this would allow for an even greater amount of people to live in this sub-tropical climate. I would even say that a new country would have sprung up, and maybe Mexico would have been a stronger world power with more land control and a possibility for greater farming and prosperity. This also means that the Gulf of Mexico would have been a lot smaller, so competition over the smaller sea would have been fierce for fishing and commercial trading purposes. Latin America could have turned out to be very different than how its looks today, and only a thin amount of ocean water covers possible land people could have easily lived on.

This angle portrays the deeply set blue chasms to the left of the Dominican Republic, and above Cuba, below Jamaica in this picture. As I scrolled over the elevation in feet with my mouse over those trenches, I was astonished to how fast they dropped below -10,000 feet elevation. I believe that this has something to do with the plates of the earths crust, and here is probably where they collide, or are breaking apart from another plate. I wonder what kind of marine life lives at the bottom of those trenches, possibly unknown life. I did not know there was such deep chasms so close to the American border. This may also explain why the Caribbean gets frequent earthquakes, such as the one that just happened in Haiti. Understanding these trenches may lead to understanding when and where earthquakes might strike, and could save potentially many lives. Why I pointed this out is because whenever someone talks about the Caribbean, they always mention good weather and vacations, but never what is lying beneath close by, a potential threat.

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