The Arenal Volcano

The Arenal Volcano

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti: A Look to Our South

This photo represents the Haiti Presidential Palace, and how it looked before the 7.0 earthquake struck. If felt this photo was helpful to point out the mass damage inflicted by this random act of nature. It helped me gain perspective on how much peoples lives are now in shambles due to something out of their control. I can only imagine how I would feel if I walked home to discover this was now my home.

For the video, I will start with this quote of a CNN news reporter. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta reported, "Simply getting through the streets to collect the dead bodies is seemingly an impossible task," , "Where shooting could be heard in the background." "There's hardly any heavy machinery to try and dig through the rubble, people are doing it by hand."

This allowed me to realize that this earthquake in Haiti was that much more horrifying than other earthquakes, simply because they were so poor, that the government didn't even have machinery to help dig trapped victims out. If you knew that your loved ones were tapped in a building, and you couldn't call 911 or ask for help because everyone around you is in the same situation, you would try and get them out with your bare hands, or get injured trying. You watch in this video, people carrying injured or dead bodies to an ambulance, and then showing people trying to rescue their friends or family in the rubble of some white house. It is a extremely desperate situation over there, and the road to recovery will be that much longer due to poverty. Haiti will have to depend on the generosity of wealthy countries to get through this.